Jester 5″ Suppressor

Jester 5″ Suppressor

From: $899.00

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The Jester is an extremely lightweight suppressor, under 5 ounces (Titanium) without the thread adaptor! It is perfect for the long range precision shooting with POI shifting kept very minimal (usually less than half a minute for an accurate shooter on a precision rifle.)

Limited Full Auto Rated- Most importantly the suppressor should never exceed 800 degree Fahrenheit. Exceeding the temperature rating will compromise the protective coating (Cerakote).

The Jester is designed for calibers from 308 Winchester and 28 Nosler down to 22LR, and it can handle everything in between (even magnum cartridges). It’s only 5 inches and 9.5 ounces on 5.5 ounces in titainium . Fully welded construction using 17-4 SS, with the receiving threads in 1.375×24 for HUB adapters and inserts. It will still greatly reduce hearing levels in many magnum hunting calibers too. Including 28 Nosler, 6.5 Creedmoor, 7mm Remington Magnum, 270 Winchester Magnum, 25-06 and more. Perfect for carrying during a hunt. Our light weight design will reduce the amount of fatigue when hiking in the woods verses having a large heavy suppressor attached to your firearm.

Barrel Length Restrictions:

6″ .300 Blackout (subsonic Loads)

8″ .300 Blackout (full power loads)

10″ 6.8 SPC, 7.62×39

11.5″ 223 Rem, 5.56, 6.5 Grendel

16″ .308 Win, .260 REM, 6.5 Creedmoor, .243 WIN, .22 Creedmoor, 6.5 SAUM, 6.5 PRC, 7 WSM, 7 SAUM, 7STW, 7RM, 7 PRC, 300 WInSortMag

20″ 26 Nosler, 28 Nosler, 300 WinMag, 300 WBY, 6.5-300WBY, 25-06

22″ 7 RUM, 300 Norma, 300 RUM, 300 PRC